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Microsoft Entra ID

Safeguard your organization with a cloud identity and access management solution that connects employees, customers, and partners to their apps, devices, and data.

Acceso adaptativo seguro
Protege el acceso a los recursos y los datos mediante una sólida autenticación y directivas de acceso adaptativo basadas en riesgos sin que ello afecte a la experiencia del usuario.

Experiencias del usuario fluidas
Proporciona una experiencia de inicio de sesión rápida y fácil en tu entorno multinube para mantener la productividad de tus usuarios, reducir el tiempo de administración de contraseñas y aumentar la productividad.

Administración de la identidad unificada
Administra todas tus identidades y el acceso a todas tus aplicaciones en una ubicación central, ya estén en la nube o en local, para mejorar la visibilidad y el control.

Multicloud identity and access management

Microsoft Entra ID is an integrated cloud identity and access solution, and a leader in the market for managing directories, enabling access to applications, and protecting identities.


Manage and protect with Microsoft Entra ID

App integrations and single sign-on (SSO)
Connect your workforce to all your apps, from any location, using any device. Simplify app access from anywhere with single sign-on.


Passwordless and multifactor authentication (MFA)
Help safeguard access to data and apps and keep it simple for users. Provide ease of use without the inherent risk of passwords.

Conditional access
Apply the right access controls to strengthen your organization’s security.

Identity protection
Automate detection and remediation of identity-based risks.

Privileged identity management
Strengthen the security of your privileged accounts.


End-user self-service
Help your employees securely manage their own identity with self-service portals including My Apps, My Access, My Account, and My Groups.

Unified admin center
Confidently manage all Microsoft Entra multicloud identity and network access solutions in one place.

Transform the way your work with Azure

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